Episode 37: The New Rules of Crowdfunding with Shaun Masavage of Fret Zealot



Shaun Masavage is a DC-based engineer turned entrepreneur with over 10 years of engineering experience including the U.S. Navy and within the private sector. As CEO and founder of Edge Tech Labs, he designed, developed, and launched my company’s first product using crowdfunding. After that, it was just the normal hustle and grind of the startup world. From investment to new products, they’ve had quite a wild ride- and it’s still happening!



Just a few of the points you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Why it’s so challenging to track your success
  • Why you have to bypass news agencies for crowdfunding
  • Why outsourcing your workforce is better in a lot of ways (not just cost-effective)
  • Making major business decisions with an objective mentality (despite how great your idea sounds)





  • Why 90% of your feedback will be negative but that’s not the majority
  • The importance of empathizing with your community
  • The power of YouTube
  • Why anyone can market a new product, but it probably won’t be easy



  • Why physically showing how your product or service works makes a lasting impression
  • Why you must listen to your audience
  • The power of finding an activity that counterbalances your challenges (breathing, running)
  • How do you reinvigorate a traditional industry?




Where to learn more and reach Shaun:


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