Jumped Paid Traffic from 3 to 1,958, a more than 65,000% Increase

SaaS Technology Company, Nonprofit CRM
How Spiral Marketing Orchestrated a 65,167% Increase in Paid Traffic for This SaaS Technology Company
Many years ago we started working with this software-as-a-service (SaaS) technology company offering a nonprofit CRM and fundraising platform that helps nonprofits to gain more insight into their donor bases in order to plan with strategy, to more easily raise funds, and to utilize automation and personalization for better donor relations. On top of lead generation, other key performance indicators were to increase awareness, traffic, and conversions for their SaaS solution.

Problem Summary

  • Looking for a partner to help them meet their lead generation goals with a low cost per lead and a strong ROI, they also looked to increase their online presence and to bolster awareness, traffic, and conversions


To reach the company’s goals, Spiral Marketing implemented a digital marketing strategy that included monthly content creation (blog, newsletter, and social posts), as well as pay-per-click (PPC) Google Ads and paid social media advertising.To track results, demonstrate successes, and adjust strategy where needed, monthly reporting was provided.

Solution Summary

  • Implemented a digital marketing campaign that included content creation and paid advertising efforts
  • Underpinned the campaign with SEO strategy and reporting

The Results

After Spiral Marketing’s efforts, this client saw traffic increases across the site and social media channels. Facebook likes increased annually by 234%, and LinkedIn traffic increased annually by 450%. Total traffic increased annually by 288%. Leads and conversions were boosted as well. Total leads across all channels increased annually by 350%, and site conversions increased annually by 620%. The most significant strides were made in paid traffic. Increases could be seen monthly and annually, but the lifetime data is most telling. Total paid traffic increased from 3 in August 2018 to 1,958 in December 2019, for a lifetime increase of 65,167%.