More Than Doubled Podiatric Association Annual Social Media Traffic

Leading Podiatry Trade Association

How Spiral Marketing Drastically Increased the Social Media Presence of This Prominent Medical Trade


A professional medical organization, founded in 1912, representing US-based doctors of podiatric medicine, with approximately 80% of acting podiatrists as members put out an RFP to increase their online presence, with the aim of furthering the reach of their messaging and securing more memberships. Spiral Marketing was awarded the bid and has continued to support the mission for over 2 years.

Problem Summary

  • The client was seeking a partner to increase their online presence, the reach of their messaging around podiatry, and association memberships.


To increase the organization’s online reach, Spiral Marketing initiated a digital marketing strategy that included pay-per-click (PPC) Google Ads, search engine optimization (SEO), web design and development, influencer marketing, video marketing, and reporting for insights into results and strategy adjustment.

Solution Summary

  • Implemented a digital marketing campaign that included ads, video marketing, influencer marketing, and web development
  • Underpinned the campaign with SEO strategy and reporting

The Results

After working with Spiral Marketing to implement the strategic campaign, this association saw impressive social media gains. Overall social media traffic increased annually by 153%, and specific channels performed incredibly well. LinkedIn traffic increased annually by 571%; Twitter traffic increased annually by 300%; and Instagram traffic saw an annual jump of 2,800%. In just one month, Instagram traffic grew from 1 visitor to 358, for a monthly increase of 35,700%. Illustrating consistency with these kinds of results, another month saw a 4,050% increase in Instagram traffic.