
Episode 28: SEO for Growth with John Jantsch from Duct Tape Marketing


On the plethora of data tools available to solve problems now:

“I feel like I’ve got this crystall ball and know exactly what to do”

Just a few of the points you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Why local reviews cannot be ignored by businesses and how to stimulate real organic attention
  • When SEO stopped being just click/traffic tactics (planning SEO before designing or even putting a single word down)
  • How voice search may become the gold standard

“I love change. The good news is a lot of people don’t…a lot of people look at me as a filter for what’s coming”

For Small Business Owners

  • Why you should develop a real strategy before customer outreach
  • How crucial it is to know your target’s problems.
  • Signs that your business is being handled by competent marketers (are they building your core message with strategic practices?)
  • Why to not just put content on your website and assume people will find it

For Marketers

  • How the client’s voice and their problems inform what your content needs to be (the right phrases for their strategic SEO early on)
  • Why people linking back to your content can be one the most important components to growth (just buying links can’t yield longterm success)
  • Why marketing just needs to get it done! Whether that’s Google, hiring agencies or muscle memory. Just get it done.
  • How shortcuts used to work, but now active results come from diversified strategies


“My tips and tricks for SEO is – great content everyday for a really long time. Nobody wants to hear that because that sounds like work”

Where to learn more and reach John



“SEO is not about tricking search engines, it’s about knowing what your content needs to be and where to put that content”


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