
Episode 46: Persuasive Video Marketing with Lorna Earnshaw

Lorna Earnshaw is a trilingual WINNING PRESENCE vocal coach, speaker, singer, songwriter and online marketing consultant based in California. Since 2004 she has grown her coaching business through stage and video presentations. Her YouTube and Facebook accounts have more than 5 million views altogether, while some of her posts went viral and have been seen more than 1.7 million times individually. As a marketing consultant, she has closed up to $124,000 in business in only one hour on stage.
Through her voice coaching programs she has helped free their voices more than 60,000 people through the internet and more than 350 students in her private sessions. Besides her work as a coach, Lorna also owns a successful online marketing agency that serves 7-figure business in North America, South America and Japan and she also runs a successful online music business as an independent artist.
Successful entrepreneurs that want to turn their passion into a business usually have the following things in common:     Entrepreneurs and large companies from around the world have worked with Lorna Earnshaw (Lorna Vocals) to grow their brand using online video marketing strategies.
She is on this episode to talk about persuasive voice and body language in video marketing.   
“We are creating this celebrity status that is going to make people want to pay for our service.”
  In this episode, you’ll learn the following:  
  • The power of video to advertise to potential clients.
  • How you should expand your online presence.
  • Why you don’t need a lot of capital to begin an efficient marketing plan.
  • Why closing deals gives people real value. 
  In addition, with respect to video and social media marketing, you’ll also learn the following:  
  • How important Facebook can be to find an audience and close deals on external platforms (The Conversion Funnel).
  • How to avoid “attacking” your clients with too many ads and, instead, to have them search for you.
  • What you look and sound like in your videos. Your emotions do matter.
  • Why you should talk to as many people as possible to know what people care about.
  You can become a blackbelt in your niche by making videos with the right mindset!
“If they don’t pay for it, they won’t pay attention.
  Where to learn more about and reach Lorna:  

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