Episode 34: Nimble Rich Media Content with Josh Belhumeur at Brink

Josh’s passion began as a child tinkering with HTML, deconstructing his favorite sites and building new sites. By the time he could drive, he was a successful freelance developer and just a few years later became a lead developer at BRINK in Tucson. Over time, Josh has melded his marketing education with his technical experience, and has spearheaded the effort to develop BRINK into a full-service digital agency. In 2011 Josh opened the doors to BRINK‘s first expansion office here in DC and is leading the charge in BRINK’s continued ascension toward the upper echelons of creative agencies.

“Produce. Don’t just sit around and plan, make stuff!”

Just a few of the points you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Why old mindsets can be dangerous in this new fast paced world
  • Why “good enough” quality content can be great for consumers
  • Perfectionism vs. Just doing it
  • Why big crews produce slightly better quality than one person these days  

“You can have a lot lower quality content if you’re commenting on something relevant here and now”


  • Why producing top notch video quality isn’t as important as you think
  • Disposable content can bring you huge success (don’t worry about Super Bowl level quality)
  • Why you should value current events more than visual aesthetics
  • How tools already available are preferable than starting from scratch


  • How talent makes long form content easier for companies
  • How the creative economy is motivating marketers to value creatives even more
  • Why marketing can refine and improve the skills of creatives
  • Which red flags to look out for when choosing partners to work with


“How can we evolve our thinking a little bit more, we’re all starting to look the same”


Reference links and where to learn more and reach Josh




Popcorn elements example: http://stories.familiesusa.org

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