
Episode 1: An Introduction to Spiral Marketing & Growth

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Episode 1 – Introduction to Spiral Marketing

Metaphor for consideration = Marketing as a vehicle for branded and personal growth.

Marketing is the umbrella field for Branding + Advertising + Public Relations + Sales + Social Media = Pistons Spinning to Drive Engagement between Customers. Customers = Passengers. Vehicle parts = Product + Price + Promotion + Place.

Simplified Marketing Definition = the varying forms of Branded Communication that lead to a desired action (most often a sale.)

More helpful Marketing Definition: “Appropriate” Branded Communication that leads to an action desired by both parties.

Consider the power of a question to unlock value and imagination in this Meritocracy.

David Ogilvy who said that “the greatest value advertising can provide is to be insightful.”


For the marketer – building compelling bridges between the audience, the customer, and the brand.  The titles, tools, and Team might change but your job is as necessary as ever: to dream on behalf of the end-user, experiment, expand what works, build a community, write and manage a plan.

For the Entrepreneur – marketing is a major part of your machine.

Stay in the know, and stay involved. Even small moves from you systematically influence the momentum.

For the would-be-Entrepreneur – you’re just running out of excuses to not go for it.

Thank you!

The Spiral Marketing Podcast
The Spiral Marketing Podcast

Exploring the human side of Marketing Communications with Expert Guests and Topics that are immediately actionable and inspiring for Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Communications Professionals, and Creative Business-Minded people alike!

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