
Episode 19: The CMO’s Perspective on Innovation with Lisa Nirell

Lisa Nirell is the Chief Energy Officer of EnergizeGrowth® She is also an award-winning public speaker and author featured in the U.S. News and World Report, CMO Council, American Express OPEN,The San Diego Transcript, Women in Technology, and Computerworld. She is also an expert blogger on strategic growth planning for Fast Company and the Huffington Post.

“I have found that leaders who try to go it alone fail at innovation and those who find some internal cheerleaders who are willing to take some prudent risk and those people who exhibit certain qualities can help you build the ground swell and the support to foster innovative behaviors and kind of a culture of experimentation to allow innovation to germinate and create new seeds of change.”

-Lisa Nirell, Chief Energy Officer of EnergizeGrowth®

Purpose of this year’s study:

To look for places where CMOs have improved or new areas that they are focusing on or investing in to create outstanding high performing marketing organizations.

Consistent trouble our CMOs face:

Many organizations treat their marketing leaders as order takers. Seasoned marketing leaders want to escape the whole mindset that organizations often perpetuate. They don’t want to be order takers, they want to be viewed as strategic market makers and innovators.  

Perspective on Innovation:

Innovation is the ability to apply creativity to an existing relationship, program or process in order to reach a new and improved state.  

DO NOT Confuse innovation with problem solving:

Problem solving often helps marketers revert to a previous state in their marketing organization or their customer relationships. It is not about solving yesterday’s issues with the same set of tools.  

Three interesting things you’ll learn:

  1. How CMOS like to learn and professionally grow.  For example, mobile advertising and mobile platforms were the least favored method of learning.  Most of the CMOS consistently report that their favorite method of learning continues to be private face to face meetings with their peers followed by short webinars.  
  2. The “Seventy Over Eight Percent”
  3. The one thing CMOs are going to be doing differently to address all of the obstacles they’re facing. 

Key takeaway for entrepreneurs:

  • Be a change champion within marketing or develop them within the marketing organization.  


The Mindful Marketer

Learn more about Lisa and download her Innovation Whitepaper at:



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