
Episode 3: Content Strategy with Greg Kihlström

This episode of Spiral Marketing all about Content Strategy with expert guest, current DC Ad Club President and Agency Head Greg Kihlström!  Below are the show-notes for your reference – enjoy the show!

From left to right, Greg Kihlstrom from Carousel30 and Karl Boehm in the Humanfactor Studio
From left to right, Greg Kihlstrom from Carousel30 and Karl Boehm in the Humanfactor Studio

Show Notes – Episode 3 – Content Strategy with Greg Kihlström

Recorded on 7/10/14

Greg Kihlström is the Founder & CEO of Carousel30, a Washington DC Area based Digital Agency.

He is also the current President of the Board of Directors for the DC Ad Club, and the Division 1 Chair for the American Advertising Federation’s National Board of Directors

He’s a frequent speaker and author with works published in many prominent trade outlets including the Washington Business Journal, SEO Watch, and iMediaConnection.


How an organization plans, creates and then delivers content across every channel that an organization would use to market.


The idea that Greg’s Agency started in design but evolved into Advertising Agency needing to create content across every channel.  Came out of a practical need to unify everything from Branding, Timing and Effectiveness.


Background as a designer, naturally progressed into a strategic role, and found that Content Strategy was a natural piece on top of the higher level.


Advice to new Content Strategists –

1. Obtain a full understanding of the organizational goals, tied back into Marketing 101, what are they trying to do, and who are they trying to reach.  This advice isn’t just for Content Strategy but many Marketing Functions.

2.Conduct a full audit of what’s being done. What are we doing, what’s working, what hasn’t been tapped, why not, and then come up with a diagram mapping to each other – where we are, where we are not and mapping them to each other to see where we’re going.

3. Consider that the website might be a hub of information with the spokes being channels that information goes out to such as Social Media and all the places and opportunities that we interact with in relation to our true audiences.

4. Remember that Content Strategy has technical elements along with being a creative art.

This all starts with fully understanding an audience and what you’re trying to accomplish with them.


“Content Strategy is the ones and zeros of copy.”

“What is the problem that we’re trying to solve.”

“Content Strategy is to Copywriting as Information Architecture is to Design” – Rachel Levinger


Providing Value to the Consumer Providing Value to the Brand As Brand Marketers, we need to give something back.

Content Strategy increases efficiency by thinking wholistically about timing and consistency across channels saves time and effort – allowing you to do less work.

Helpful question to ask yourself – “What is the problem we’re trying to solve.”

Agencies also need to remember to give back even to the community.


Outlook: The best content strategies will show themselves to be modular, adaptable, and efficient to go across the multiple channels. The field will get more complicated.

Learn more / Get in touch with Greg:

Twitter: @gregkihlstrom
Greg’s Linkedin

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