
Episode 2: Positive Leadership with Steve Gladis

It’s an honor to bring you the first episode of Spiral Marketing with a guest!  Steve Gladis is a class act with impressive credentials, detailed below in the show note and as told on the show.  Enjoy!

Karl Boehm on the left, Steve Gladis on the right.
Karl Boehm on the left, Steve Gladis on the right.

Show Notes – Episode 2 – Positive Leadership with Steve Gladis

Recorded on 4/29/14


Dr. Steve Gladis, leadership thought leader, author, and George Mason University professor, SGLP inspires leaders to become even better through Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, and Motivational Speaking.


Positive Leadership – helping to build better leaders.  Listen to his story in the beginning about starfish.


FBI Special Agent, Associate Dean and Director for UVA’s Executive MBA program in Northern Virginia.


Author of 17 books, Positive Leadership Expert, Professor at George Mason University, Executive Coach, Professional Public Speaker


Attitude not aptitude will determine your altitude – Zig Ziglar

People don’t care what you know until they know that you care – Teddy Roosevelt

75% of your success comes from your emotional skillsets – Daniel Goleman

A society is healthy when old men are willing to plant trees in shade where they will never rest. – Greek Proverb


People need 3 positive interactions for every negative interaction (5:1 if you’re married!)

The Trust Triangle –  3 C’s to have as a leader – Caring Competence and Caring

Admired (Positive) Leader – Adrian Chapman, President of Washington Gas


To keep growing in positive Leadership:

  • Start keeping a journal
  • Write down 3 things for which you’re grateful
  • Practice positive activities
  • Write an Optimism Projection

Teams can:

  • Positive Framing – start every meeting and end every meeting on a positive note, go around the room asking for one good thing that’s happening in their life.
  • Ask people one thing that you got out of this meeting
  • Peer-Coaching (teams coach themselves.)

You really don’t need to solve everyone’s problems – be curious, ask more questions, act more like a coach, and you’ll be surprised how often people will solve their own problems.

Practice smiling.

Lead by example.  Emotions are contagious.  If you want respect then you have to give it to them first – the law of reciprocity.
Learn more and Reach Steve at – www.stevegladis.com

Positive Leadership: The Game Changer at Work

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